Monthly Archives: July 2014


Woah! Months seem to go by so fast. I have a made a few videos that will post on here as soon as I know I have permission to do so. Im been caught in the frenzy of working for myself, planning a backpacking trip to the Grand Canyon, and grappling with the small but plentiful distractions that come along with owning your own home. Sprinkler lines break ALL THE TIME when they are 10 years old. I’m running an average repair rate of about 1 per week.

I have a lot of things to catch my approximately zero readers up on, and in July I have had more time. So i will try to post some short blurbs in the coming days. I’ll tell you about my newest camera, and my backpacking gear, or show you some of my recent video projects, or just write up a little blurb about something else entirely.

I know my blog is not super exciting, but I also am just sort of doing this for myself. I will, however, try to post more often. Every four months is just not often enough.